Created: 3/10/1960

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Embassy In Havana sees no hope that US will ever be ablea satisfactory relationship with any Cubanby Fidel Castro and bis associates.

A. Embassy believes that government charge of US responsibility for ship explosion In Havana harbor, coupled with other hostile acts and mounting anti-US frenzy in governmentmass media, indicate deliberate attompt torisis and to force US to take drastic measures.

Anti-American feeling being whipped up by constant governmenthaving some effect among Cubans previously cool to Castro diatribes.

An incident could cause an outbreak of violence against American personnel and interests in this highly tenso situation. A. Embassy has invoked preparatory, limited warning phases

of evacuation plan. Some classified material is beingfrom the Embassylanket evacuation travel order for Embassy personnel and dependents Is being prepared for possible use.

is reliably reported to beemand for theof the US Naval Base at Guantaoamo Bay0 to 45

would be presented as soon as legislationUS sugar purchases is Introduced Into the US Congress,

which Castro believes imminent.

DS refuses to evacuate, Cuba might then take issue toNations.

V. Abusive portion*] attacks on Pros Elsenhower and Secretary Herter by government controlled radio and prosy are continuing, A. Radio Manbl, the most vicious of the radio stations called

President Elsenhower "slavery's spokesman, the champion of the threatening atomho had tbe effrontery to talk of democracy to exploited people and Is now stained with the

blood /of Uruguayan Claimed the president's

trip was toolitical cordon In LA to isolate Cuba. D. Chilean President Alessandrl was recentlyS puppet and Argentine President Frondizi "an unhappyeady to sell his soul to the US devil."

Mambl also said newsmen had to be beaten by police inthe President visited to keep then fromof how the people repudiated Eisenhower.

mouthpiece, the dailyafterarch explosionavoritethe US is to manufacture incidents in order toopinion for an attack on another country. "Thistechnique of the Alamo, the Maine, the Lusitania,Harbor."

VI. Castro and Guevara continue to condemn foreign and private They will dominate the newly formed Central Planning Board, which will supervise and control every phase of Cuba's economy, particularly Industry.

A. Decision by US companies like Moa Bay Nickel and Bethlehem Steel to close operations this month will probably be followed rapidly by government intervention. Castro regime will Increasingly dominate basic industries as well as agriculture and turn to USSR and European countries for technical advice and supplies.


Original document.

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